Big Motorbike Maintenance

How to know when your motorcycle needs an engine oil change: Five signs

The engine of a motorcycle is the heart of the vehicle, and it runs on fuel. But, beyond that, it requires engine oil, which lubricates and enables the numerous internal components to run smoothly without colliding with one another. The engine oil ensures the internal components function without developing easy wear and tear. Hence, it is essential to check engine oil levels regularly. It is also important to keep the motorcycle engine in a good mood by using the correct oil and by checking if the oil inside the motor is in good condition.

HT Auto Desk

Updated on:
30 Mar 2023, 16:15 PM

How to know when your motorcycle needs an engine oil change: Five signs
Engine oil is essential because it lubricates and cools down the engine’s internal components, preventing the power mill from seizing due to excessive heat.

It won’t last forever, even if you top up your engine with fresh engine oil. Over time, the engine oil becomes dirty and loses its chemical properties, making it less effective for the power-generating machine. It may happen depending on the motorcycle’s nature, engine workload etc. However, some signs tell you when you should change engine oil.

Also Read : How to know when your motorcycle needs an oil change

Here are the four key signs that tell the rider to change the engine oil.

Engine making louder noise than usual

If the engine is making a louder noise than usual, then it could be a sign that your motorcycle’s engine needs an oil change. Fresh oil provides a protective layer between the metallic components inside the engine block. However, over time, that oil loses the ability, and soon after, you start hearing metal rubbing on metal, which makes a louder noise than usual.

Check the oil if it is black and gritty

Some motorcycles come with dipstick, just like cars, while some come with a window to check the oil level. Either way, the colour of the engine oil can be checked. The fresh oil is translucid with light brown colour, but over time it gets black and thicker. You can check the thickness of the oil by taking a little bit of it on your finger and rubbing it with another finger. If the oil is not smooth and it feels full of grittiness or particles, be sure it has been contaminated and should be changed soon.

Oil level below minimum mark

There is a small window to check the engine oil level that is positioned at the side of the engine block. If you see the engine oil level is below the minimum mark in the window, it is time to change top up the engine oil.

Dashboard warning lights alerting you

Modern motorcycle engines come fitted with sensors that can tell you, through lights showing on the instrument cluster of your motorcycle, that you don’t have enough oil in the engine. In such a case, it is time to change the engine oil.

How to know when your motorcycle needs engine oil change

Step 1 :

Engine making louder noise than usual

Step 2 :

Check the oil if it is black and gritty

Step 3 :

Oil level below minimum mark

Step 4 :

Dashboard warning lights alerting you

First Published Date: 30 Mar 2023, 16:15 PM IST

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