SGTC to offer Motorcycle Maintenance Program Spring Semester – Americus Times-Recorder

SGTC to offer Motorcycle Maintenance Program Spring Semester
Published 6:40 pm Friday, December 16, 2022
- SGTC High Performance Engines – Motorsports Instructor Kevin Beaver is shown above talking with a student about the new Motorcycle Maintenance program that will begin at SGTC Spring Semester. Classes start January 11th and it is not too late to apply.
Photo by SGTC
From Staff Reports
AMERICUS – South Georgia Technical College will begin offering a new one-semester Motorcycle Maintenance Technician technical certificate of credit Spring Semester, which begins January 11th, 2023. Students can apply now.
“The program is being offered through the High-Performance Engines Motorsports program. The program emphasizes a combination of mechanical theory and practical experience relative to the maintenance of motorcycles and other power sports equipment.
Topics will include shop safety, basic electrical theory, wheels and tires, engines and drive train, chassis & suspension, precision measuring, valve adjustments, and battery service. There will also be an internship with local businesses with the possibility of employment.
For more information about this program contact SGTC Motorsports Instructor Kevin Beaver, at or 229-931-2578. Interested persons can apply now at by clicking on the Apply Now button.
SGTC will be hosting in-person registration on Monday, January 9th and Spring Semester classes will begin on Wednesday, January 11.